Thursday, 28 April 2011

Housing Development Corporation Darts Club.

Visited some 'otai' darters in HDC. The club was roomy with 3 boards.. hmm.. nice n convenient. Mr. Aju as their 'coach' with numbers of talented darters were there doing their daily routine training, while we came barging in. Only me and Zack tho.. lol The hall is actually a none smoking hall with air-condition blasted to full speed.. hehehehe.. but with only opening 1 window panel, the hall became "Smoking Zone" hahahaha.. For smokers, this is a good place too considering that we don't have to go outside just to take a sip of the 'petrol' lol..

Anyway, Mr. Aju was kind enough to call us in for a little sparring.. Even invited us for Friendly match on Thusrday night to prepare for Maksak 2011. Thank you very much for having us bro.

Just a little peek of their Dart Hall..

 Nice setup. All dartboards was placed on the stage. Semifinals and Finals would be played on the stage whenever they organize a tourney. Wonder when will HDC Open be held...

Sparred with all of the darters and managed to win most of the games.. lost to a couple of good darters including the host himself Mr. Aju. (have to 'give face' ma..) hahahaha...

Will be back for the Friendly match and this time no more 'give face..' hahaha.. *devilish laugh*

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